SimplyStudio Officially Launch New Website Experience and ClientCenter
Hi fellas! We excited to announce the launch of our newly designed Web site, which goes live today, Tuesday, November 19th, 2013 and is located at the same address: We also create ClientCenter ( which contains all the information and document needed by our client and to accommodate support ticket to our service.
SimplyStudio Website
We have completely redesigned our main web layout with simplicity, mobile-first experience, ease of use, and a strong focus on content delivery in mind. Main SimplyStudio webpage consist of several pages which are;
1. Landing Page
2. About
3. Solution
4. Works
5. Blog
6. Contact
7. Request Proposal
8. Newsletter
9. Career
10. Sitemap
11. Promo
12. Referral
13. Privacy Policy
The website will be updated on a regular basis, with news of events, promo, product launches and new content. We will be encouraging our clients to contact us through the website and sign up for our newsletter. If you experience any problems using the new website or if you have any suggestions, please contact us at [email protected].
SimplyStudio ClientCenter
We are very happy that finally we release our ClientCenter. ClientCenter;
1. Show client's service and project
2. Show project that currently on progress and display how far the progress has been made
3. Contain project files and documents
4. Facilitate client to send [ticket support]
5. Show [announcement alert]
5. Contain [knowledgebase] as service information repository
6. Mobile-first experience to let our client access their data easily via gadget/device
We truly hope you enjoy exploring our new website, and please feel free to send us comments or feedback you may have.