Apr 2014A Guide To Validating Product Ideas With Quick And Simple Experiments
You probably know by now that you should speak with customers and test your idea before building a product. What you probably don’t know is that you might be making some of the most common mistakes when running your experiments.
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Dec 20137 Things Great Entrepreneurs Don't Do
These days, everyone with a MacBook and a blog thinks he’s an entrepreneur. Well, here’s a little tough love for the entrepreneurial generation: Calling yourself a CEO doesn’t make you one and a small army of Twitter followers doesn’t make you a leader, either.
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Nov 2013The Importance of “Stick-to-it-ivity” for Entrepreneurs
For as long as I can remember my idol has been Walt Disney. Dreaming big is the only way to dream. “Stick-to-it-ivity” (Walt’s favourite made-up-word) is the only way to bring your big creative dreams to reality, especially when everyone around you feels more comfortable staying at “me too” with minimal change.
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