Nov 2013The Habits Of Successful New Web Professionals
Starting a position in an organization, especially if it is your first in the industry, can be as nerve-wracking as it is exciting. Practices that seem like common sense to those of us who have been in the Web industry for some time might not be as obvious to designers and developers without the benefit of our experience.
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Nov 2013How Being Obsessed Is The Only Possible Way To Become Truly Successful
Saying that the human mind is powerful is a huge understatement. What it is, is our very reality. The existence that we are experiencing, all that our senses perceive and all the thoughts that we have, exist in our minds and in our minds alone. This may not seem amazing to most of us — although it should — but what is awe-worthy is how our minds can experience the same thing and somehow experience it differently. Different colors, sounds, events, human interactions, memories will affect each of us differently because each of us will interpret each occurrence in a different manner.
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